May 11 , 2024 - London, UK

7th Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing Performance (HotCloudPerf 2024)


The HotCloudPerf workshop proposes a meeting venue for academics and practitioners, from experts to trainees, in the field of cloud computing performance. The new understanding of cloud computing covers the full computational continuum from data centers to edge resources to IoT sensors and devices. The workshop aims to engage this community and to lead to the development of new methodological aspects for gaining a deeper understanding not only of cloud performance, but also of cloud operation and behavior, through diverse quantitative evaluation tools, including benchmarks, metrics, and workload generators. The workshop focuses on novel cloud properties such as elasticity, performance isolation, dependability, and other non-functional system properties, in addition to classical performance-related metrics such as response time, throughput, scalability, and efficiency.


This seventh edition of the HotCloudPerf is supported by the EU Graph-Massiviser project.
The HotCloudPerf workshop is technically sponsored by the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC)’s Research Group (RG) and is organized annually by the RG Cloud Group. HotCloudPerf has emerged from the series of yearly meetings organized by the RG Cloud Group, since 2013. The RG Cloud Group group is taking a broad approach, relevant for both academia and industry, to cloud benchmarking, quantitative evaluation, and experimental analysis.


ROOM LT308  of the Department of Computing, Imperial College London, 180 Queen’s Gate, SW7 2RH  

09:00 Opening

Session 1: Performance, Scaling and Energy Efficiency. Chaired by Dragi Kimovski

09:10 Keynote 1: Upscaling messaging and stateful computation by Josef Spillner

10:00 Dante Niewenhuis, Sacheendra Talluri, Alexandru Iosup and Tiziano De Matteis.
FootPrinter: Quantifying Data Center Carbon Footprint.
Full Workshop Paper

10.20 Sai Sindhur Malleni, Raul Sevilla Canavate and Vishnu Challa.
Into the Fire: Delving into Kubernetes Performance and Scale with Kube-burner.
Invited Talk from ICPE Demo

10:30 Morning coffee break

Session 2: Serverless, Multi-Cloud and Computing Continuum. Chaired by Nikolas Herbst

11:00 Keynote 2: “Engineering serverless application life-cycles in federated serverless infrastructures” by Sas­hko Ris­tov

11:50 Chetan Phalak, Dheeraj Chahal, Manju Ramesh and Rekha Singhal
Towards Geo-Distributed Training of ML Models in a Multi-Cloud Environment
Full Workshop Paper

12:10 Dragi Kimovski
Hypergraphs: Facilitating High-Order Modeling of the Computing Continuum
Short Workshop Paper

12:25 Morning wrap-up

12:30 Lunch break

Session 3: Cloud Native, Kubernetes and Emerging Applications. Chaired by Klervie Toczé

14:00 Keynote 3: “Continuous Developer Feedback for Cloud Native Systems” by Robert Chatley  

14:50 Runyu Jin, Paul Muench, Travis Janssen, Brian Hatfield and Veera Deenadhayalan.
Baking Disaster-Proof Kubernetes Applications with Efficient Recipes.
Full Workshop Paper

15:10 Radu Apşan, Damla Ural, Paul Daniëlse, Eames Trinh, Vlad-Andrei Cursaru, Jesse Donkervliet and Alexandru Iosup.
Towards a Workload Trace Archive for Metaverse Systems
Full Workshop Paper

15:30 Afternoon coffee break

Session 4: Workflows and Systems. Chaired by Cristina Abad

16:00 Simon Triendl and Sashko Ristov
Peeking behind the serverless implementations and deployments of the Montage Workflow
Full Workshop Paper 

16:20 Ivo Rohwer, Maximilian Schwinger, Nikolas Herbst, Peter Friedl, Michael Stephan and Samuel Kounev
Resource Demand Profiling of Monolithic Workflows
Short Workshop Paper

16:35 Debajyoti Halder, Manas Acharya, Aniket Malsane, Anshul Gandhi and Erez Zadok
Empirical Evaluation of ML Models for Per-Job Power Prediction
Full Workshop Paper 

16:55 Zebin Ren, Krijn Doekemeijer and Animesh Trivedi
A Systematic Configuration Space Exploration of the Linux Kyber I/O Scheduler
Full Workshop Paper

17:15 Closing and SPEC RG Cloud Summary

17:30 End of HotCloudPerf 2024 


Josef SpillnerUpscaling messaging and stateful computation

ZHAW Zurich, Switzerland 

Description: Large-scale, production-grade cloud applications are no longer black boxes for academic researchers. They are observable subjects under test in an increasing number of projects, with the aim to quantify and improve their runtime characteristics, including performance. With more meaningful measurements available, data-driven approaches have matured and advanced the knowledge in particular around conventional stateless workloads such as functions and containers. A few less explored areas still exist. They are fueled by the increasing number of atypical function deployments for instance in message brokers, in intelligent switches and in blockchains. This talk summarises reference architectures for large-scale applications, sometimes resulting in nation-scale deployments, discusses performance numbers in this context, and elaborates on whether more focus on performance is needed.

Bio: Dr.-Ing. habil. Josef Spillner is a senior lecturer / associate professor for computer science at Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland. His research activity focuses on distributed application computing paradigms. Particular emphasis is on technological support for emerging digitalisation needs of industry and society, such as smart cities and mobility.

Robert ChatleyContinuous Developer Feedback for Cloud Native Systems

Imperial College London, UK

Description: The cloud supports developers in building bigger and more sophisticated systems, often comprising many separate components. With current trends towards serverless applications, more and more of the system’s operation is delegated to the cloud provider. The developer only codes the part that is unique to their domain, linking together third party services and APIs. Complexity is moved out of the code and into the cloud.
This is a powerful model, but makes it hard to assess quality attributes of the full system at development time. To observe changes in quality properties we often have to wait until the system is deployed to production, rather than assessing them at development time.
In this talk I will discuss the problems of obtaining fast feedback on the effects of changes to cloud-based applications, and some tools and techniques that I hope might help.

Bio: Robert’s work bridges industry and academia, focussing on developing skills and knowledge in software engineers to build technical competence and improve developer productivity. After spending many years working in industry, Robert now holds the position of Director of Software Engineering Practice at Imperial College London. His role at Imperial combines a strong focus on education with industry-focussed research. Robert has worked with many companies, from startups to multinationals, variously either as a trainer/coach, as a consultant on technical practice, or working as part of engineering leadership. 

© Thomas Steinlechner

Sas­hko Ris­tov: Engineering serverless application life-cycles in federated serverless infrastructures
University of Innsbruck, Austria 

Description: The top cloud providers offer more than a hundred serverless services, such as Function-as-a-Service and various ML-based Services speech to text, text to speech, or translation. Unfortunately, while the cloud provider SDKs simplify the usage of serverless services, they also lock the users to use services of the respective provider only. Moreover, the dynamic and heterogeneous nature of the underlying serverless infrastructure introduces other deficiencies for agile development, automated deployment, and efficient and effective execution of serverless workflow applications.
This talk will present our advances in many steps of serverless application life-cycles: development, modeling, and running serverless workflow applications that use various serverless managed services in federated serverless infrastructures. The main goal is to follow the approach "Code Once Run Everywhere" where the developers code their "intents" and the runtime systems then selects the specific deployment of end-point managed cloud services.

Bio: Dr. Sashko Ristov is an Assistant Professor for computer science at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. His main research interests include performance modeling and optimization of distributed systems and applications. In particular, Dr. Ristov focuses on serverless computing, cloud engineering, and cloud federation. 


Cloud computing environments, applications, and systems should be understood in the broad sense and include works looking at the computing continuum (i.e. IoT-edge/fog-cloud). 

Important Dates

January 25, 2024 February 8, 2024, AoE    

February 1,  2024 February 8, 2024, AoE (FIRM)

March 1, 2024

March 8, 2024                

March 10, 2024

May 11, 202

Abstract due (informative, new submissions welcome)

Papers due

Author Notification

Camera-ready deadline

Author registration deadline / early registration rate 

Workshop day

Submission Types


The format of the submissions is single-blind and needs to follow the ACM format of the companion conference, ICPE.

All presented papers will have a good amount of time allocated for Q&A plus feedback. In addition, the presentation session will be wrapped up by a 10-15 min discussion. 

ACM Instructions for Authors

By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.

Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. The collection process has started and will roll out as a requirement throughout 2022. We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.

Submission Site

Articles and talk-only contributions are required to be submitted via EasyChair. The track corresponding to HotCloudPerf2024 should be selected.

Call for Papers

You can find the full Call for Papers (CfP) here: CfP

Organizing Committee

Advisory Board

Dragi Kimovski, Klagenfurt University, Austria

Klervie Toczé, Linköping University, Sweden

Nikolas Herbst, University of Würzburg, Germany

Tiziano De Matteis, VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands

To contact the chairs, you can email: 

Cristina L. Abad, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Ecuador

Alexandru Iosup, VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Program Committee

Cristina Abad, Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral

Andre Bondi, Software Performance and Scalability Consulting LLC

Tiziano De Matteis,  Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Wilhelm Hasselbring, University of Kiel

Nikolas Herbst, University of Würzburg

Alexandru Iosup, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Dragi Kimovski, University of Klagenfurt, Austria

Tania Lorido, Roblox

Narges Mehran, University of Klagenfurt, Austria

Zahra Najafabadi, University of Klagenfurt, Austria

Issam Rais, The Arctic University of Norway 

Prateek Sharma, Indiana University Bloomington 

Josef Spillner, ZHAW School of Engineering, Zurich

Sacheendra Talluri, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Klervie Toczé, Linköpings universitet

Petr Tůma, Charles University

André van Hoorn, University of Hamburg

Chen Wang, IBM